First Post
Hello Everyone,
I have been working hard on this website to get it up and going for you. I am not tech savvy so it has been challenging to both design it and learn how to design it. I love crafting and creating art of all sorts but beginning a business with my art is an entirely separate task that I am not too accustomed to.
One of the encouraging aspects of my work is that I am following my dreams of owning a small business. My son, who is 3.5 years old gets to see an example of that and I'll tell you what, he is one of my biggest fans! The sweet little guy isn't shy when it comes to talking about or showing off "Mommy's soaps" and will basically place a bar in your hand at the farmer's markets. He insists on using my soap in his bath, head to toe, and was astonished at the recommendation from his dad to alternatively use shampoo in his hair. It warms my heart that my little boy sees and supports my passion for creating natural products, and is eager to spread the word.
It's amazing how a child can be so inspiring!